{"id":81453,"date":"2023-11-15T17:28:34","date_gmt":"2023-11-15T17:28:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/posterboyedit.com\/?p=81453"},"modified":"2023-11-15T17:28:34","modified_gmt":"2023-11-15T17:28:34","slug":"princess-warns-king-charles-move-with-the-times-or-risk-fall-of-house-of-windsor","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/posterboyedit.com\/celebrities\/princess-warns-king-charles-move-with-the-times-or-risk-fall-of-house-of-windsor\/","title":{"rendered":"Princess warns King Charles: \u2018Move with the times or risk fall of House of Windsor\u2019"},"content":{"rendered":"

This week King Charles celebrates his milestone 75th birthday, surrounded by loved ones. But as he tucks into his birthday cake \u2013 most likely fruit rather than chocolate, apparently \u2013 words of warning from a fellow royal could leave a bitter taste in his mouth. <\/p>\n

Speaking exclusively to OK!<\/b>, Princess Tamara Czartoryska, a cousin of the Spanish royals, says that if he wishes to win over the public, our King should take note of how her family have successfully reversed their dwindling popularity in recent years. <\/p>\n

\u201cJust look at the way Spain has embraced [King] Felipe and his family, especially Leonor, who will one day be Queen. The British Royal Family should really take note,\u201d says Princess Tamara. \u201cLessons can be learnt from focusing on the younger members of the family. It\u2019s new blood and they cater to a younger audience.\u201d <\/p>\n


Following a spate of scandals, King Juan Carlos abdicated the Spanish throne in 2014, making way for his son Felipe. Public confidence in the Spanish ruling family had been at an all-time low, but King Felipe, his wife Queen Letizia and their children, Princess Leonor, 18, and Infanta Sofia, 16, have led a royal renaissance. <\/p>\n

\u201cThe younger generation is our future, and it is in them we should invest,\u201d says Princess Tamara. \u201cSociety loves tradition, but it\u2019s important in this day and age of influencers to have an influencer who is on the same level to be a good role model.\u201d <\/p>\n

She claims there is a similar pattern emerging in the UK, with a King who doesn\u2019t appreciate the power of younger royals. <\/p>\n


\u201cThere\u2019s huge interest in William and Kate,\u201d she says. They\u2019re exactly the kind of royals we need today. King Charles needs to move with the times and embrace the younger members of his family, otherwise he runs the risk of a fall of the House of Windsor.\u201d<\/p>\n

Tamara, who is a friend of Princes William and Harry, says the British royal family\u2019s image has been negatively impacted by the very public airing of the brothers\u2019 problems. <\/p>\n

\u201cIt [the British royal family] is not as cohesive as it used to be,\u201d she says. \u201cIt\u2019s now fractured, sadly. Harry used to be adored. He would have been a fabulous role model but that\u2019s no longer the case. It\u2019s sad that their personal family feud became so public. <\/p>\n


\u201cBut the damage has been done. William and Kate, and the younger generation, are the breath of fresh air we need.\u201d <\/p>\n

As Charles is left contemplating Tamara\u2019s frank assessment, he is fortunate to have a strong support network around him. And one of those who most definitely has the King\u2019s back is the woman he recently referred to very fondly as his \u201cdarling daughter-in-law\u201d, the Princess of Wales. <\/p>\n

Kate occupies a very special place in the King\u2019s heart and her continued support will be one of the greatest birthday gifts he receives this year. <\/p>\n


Bound by their shared love of art and culture, Charles and Kate have enjoyed a warm relationship for many years. Kate, 41, is the daughter the King never had, but now deeply cherishes thanks to the support she gives his son William, her devotion to motherhood and the effortless way she has navigated her royal assent \u2013 from shy starter to skilled diplomat. <\/p>\n

\u201cHappily, King Charles seems fighting fit,\u201d former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond tells OK! <\/b> \u201cBut it\u2019s a fact that Kate is a heartbeat away from being our next Queen, so she is of crucial importance to the future of the monarchy. <\/p>\n

\u201cHer happy and secure relationship with William is a huge comfort to the King. Not only is he very fond of Kate, but he\u2019s proud of the way she has stepped confidently into her key role. <\/p>\n


\u201cI\u2019m certain he wishes he could have given his sons the balanced and happy childhood that George, Charlotte and Louis are enjoying thanks to their very switched-on mum and a stable, happy household.\u201d<\/p>\n

Although we know the King\u2019s greatest wish would be to have his two warring sons reconciled, Jennie points out that such family challenges emphasise Kate\u2019s importance to Charles. <\/p>\n

She says, \u201cI think Kate has been involved in key decisions about how to deal with the Harry situation and I suspect the King values her opinion very highly. It makes Kate such an important member of his inner circle.\u201d <\/p>\n


Kate was instrumental in pushing for the Palace\u2019s robust \u201crecollections may vary\u201d statement in response to Prince Harry and Meghan\u2019s attacks in their 2021 tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey. It was clear then, as it is now, that she embodied her role as well as Charles could have ever hoped. <\/p>\n

Jennie adds, \u201cThere\u2019s little doubt that Charles would have loved a daughter. So, for the King, it\u2019s a delight that he gets on so well with Kate. He has watched her grow into her role, find the causes she truly cares about and has supported her endeavours.\u201d<\/p>\n

In contrast to Tamara\u2019s warning, Jennie believes the King is already looking to the younger generation to secure the future of the British royal family. <\/p>\n


She says, \u201cI think Charles admires and appreciates the solid family network Kate has created for William. The King is devoted to his grandchildren, George, Charlotte and Louis. I\u2019m sure he\u2019s very proud of the way Kate is bringing them up. <\/p>\n

\u201cHer family form a secure and happy unit away from palaces and castles, servants and hierarchy. Even Diana couldn\u2019t easily provide that for William, as her own parents were divorced and she\u2019d been raised in a stately home. <\/p>\n

\u201cSo I think Kate is key to providing a balanced upbringing for her children, but particularly for a boy born to be King. She has learned what it means to be royal \u2013 the restrictions as well as the privileges. And she\u2019s the perfect person to help George understand his destiny.\u201d <\/p>\n


Much like Queen Elizabeth would do with Prince William during his days at Eton, Charles is already having conversations with Prince George about what the future has in store for him. <\/p>\n

\u201cCharles is quite a soppy old thing really,\u201d she says. \u201cWhen you\u2019ve had a wonderful experience in life, it\u2019s natural to want to replicate it for your children and grandchildren. <\/p>\n

Charles had a magical relationship with his grandmother, the Queen Mother, and I\u2019m sure his dearest wish is to give George and his other grandchildren a similar strong and loving relationship.\u201d <\/p>\n

While King Charles would do well to pay heed to Princess Tamara\u2019s advice, perhaps the future of our royal family is a little brighter than she believes.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n