How to spot the signs of bedbugs — and get rid of them

France’s bed bug problem has left us all feeling itchy, with hotel rooms,people’s bedrooms and sofas, and now even train seats infested.

And, with fears London might be next for a major outbreak, it’s got us wondering what signs we should be looking out for.

After all, bedbug infestations have surged by over 50% in the past five years in the UK, making them the most common pest issue, accounting for more than a quarter of all pest control call-outs, according to the British Pest Control Association.

Furniture expert Jeannette Hudson warned that bed bugs thrive in multiple occupancy homes and travel easily between homes from the exchange of second-hand furniture.

Yes, we’re now thinking about deep cleaning that sofa we got off Gumtree.

Jeannette said that despite the name ‘bed’ bugs, the little creatures infest more places than just between our sheets.

‘Although we commonly associate bedbugs with infestations in beds and mattresses, they can infest various upholstered furniture, including sofas and couches,’ said Jeannette, an expert at Online Sofa Shop.

‘Bedbugs are small, flat, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of both humans and animals.

‘They are adept at concealing themselves in cracks and crevices and can be effortlessly transported from one location to another.’

Signs of a bedbug infestation in your home

According to the NHS, signs of bedbugs in the home include:

  • bites – often on skin exposed while sleeping, like the face, neck and arms
  • spots of blood on your bedding – from the bites or from squashing a bedbug
  • small brown spots on bedding or furniture (bedbug poo)

Even if you think your home is safe, you can pick up the nasty bugs if you’re sitting down on public transport.

Kenneth F. Haynes, a professor of entomology, previously told ‘It is possible to pick up bed bugs from any place where there is an infestation. It may be more difficult for an infestation to get started in a bus or train, but it certainly has happened.’

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So while your bed may be bug-free, someone whose bed is swarming in bugs could launch an infestation on the Tube simply by resting their jacket on their mattress then taking a seat on the central line. Unsettling, right?

According to the NHS, bed bug bites usually result in redness and swelling that typically occurs while you’re asleep when the insects feed on your blood at night.

With all this in mind, Jeannette shares her tips on how to protect yourself from a bed bug infestation.

She said: ‘Inspect your home. Whether you’re at home, or staying in a hotel or Airbnb, take the time to thoroughly inspect your space for bedbugs. This includes scrutinising the bed, bedding, and furniture for any signs of infestation.’

This also goes for any second-hand furniture you’re bringing in to your home.

Bedroom furniture expert Nic Shacklock told MailOnline that key things to look for when you’re inspecting your furniture, besides the bugs of course, are musty odours and eggs.

He said: ‘If the bedroom area has a strong, musty and unpleasant odour this could possibly come from a bed bug’s scent glands.’

When it comes to spotting eggs, they are small in size and white in colour, and can be smooth and pearly to the touch – they’re usually in clusters.

If you find any, get rid of them immediately as they hatch within ten days, and make sure to keep your room cool because the lower the temperature the longer an egg will take to hatch.

Another tip from Jeannette is to launder your belongings. ‘After staying in a hotel or Airbnb, wash your clothes and bedding in hot water,’ she said. ‘This can help kill any potential bedbugs or their eggs that may have hitched a ride with you.’

Regularly vacuuming, particularly in potential hiding spots for bedbugs, is also key, according to Jeannette. Dispose the the vacuum bag immediately after and make it a general rule to maintain cleanliness and avoid clutter.

Interestingly, Jeanette said to: ‘Seal entry points. Prevent bedbugs from gaining entry to your home by sealing any cracks in the foundation and exterior walls.’

And lastly, if you do suspect a bedbug infestation, do ‘contact a pest control professional immediately. Bedbug infestations are notoriously challenging to eradicate, and expert assistance is often necessary’.

What can you do to try and get rid of bedbugs:

If you have a bedbug infestation you should be calling pest control, but in the meantime here are some things you could try to keep the pests at bay.

  • Wash affected bedding and clothing on a hot wash (60C) and tumble dry on a hot setting for at least 30 minutes
  • Put affected clothing and bedding in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for 3 or 4 days

It’s likely this won’t eradicate them completely but it could help.

Source: NHS

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