Floyd Mayweather Video Chats Israeli Special Forces Unit, Expresses Support

Days after sending his private jet to Israel to deliver thousands of pounds of supplies, Floyd Mayweather spent time on a video call with some of the IDF special forces soldiers who received some of the goods.

Mayweather, from Los Angeles, spoke to the Israeli Defense Force’s Yahalom Unit — a special forces anti-terrorism unit — on Monday, and gave the soldiers a bit of an inspirational pep talk … as they fight for their country.

“We only want peace in Israel. Thank you for standing up for your country,” Floyd told the soldiers, who were wearing custom TMT x Israel hats, along with their IDF uniforms, weapons slung, and faces covered to protect their identity.

We’re told the call lasted several minutes.

We broke the story … Floyd’s “Air Mayweather” jet delivered over 5,000 lbs. of supplies on Saturday, and judging by the video, at least some of the items have been doled out, and the unit was clearly grateful.

mayweather plane to israel

“Floyd, how are you doing? We are here from the special forces unit, Yahalom. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts during those dark times and thank you very much. We love you,” one of the soldiers told Mayweather.

Mayweather also attended a pro-Israeli march in Century City on Sunday … where he walked shoulder-to-shoulder with thousands of supporters. He’s also posted support for Israel on social media on multiple occasions.

Mayweather’s video call was set up by his friend Jona Rechnitz and philanthropist Nachman Rosenberg.

Note: Mayweather has started a fundraiser, selling custom TMT Israel hats … with proceeds going to Leket, an Israeli food bank.

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