Crazy theory behind Bigfoot train footage as mystery man spotted in town

A new Bigfoot theory has emerged following a recent sighting, and it's crazy.

Fans of the mythical beast were whipped into a frenzy earlier this month after footage claimed to show the hairy beast near Silverton in Colorado, US. Passengers on a train passing through the town believe they caught a glimpse of a creature watching the vehicle go by.

The clip of the suspected Sasquatch quickly went viral, amassing more than 2million views across social media and bringing a flurry of attention to the sleepy Rocky Mountain town. The footage divided Bigfoot's fan club, with some people branding this sighting the most conclusive yet.

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Meanwhile, others have slammed the clip as an elaborate hoax. Recently, a new theory shedding light on the video has appeared to dispel its legitimacy.

The tourist town of Silverton boasts a population no bigger than 800 people and relies on the Bigfoot myth to bring in visitors hoping to catch sight of the beast. Within 48 hours of the footage making headlines, Silverton's Grand Imperial Hotel booked 22 rooms, reports The Independent.

Some people have now speculated the mysterious footage may have been a trick by the town's tourist board to encourage people to visit. However DeAnne Gallegos ā€“ a local woman who wears many hats, including San Juan county public information officer, Silvertonā€™s Chamber of Commerce Executive Director and local paper contributor ā€“ refutes the sighting as a ruse by the tourist board despite being one of many who believes the sighting was fake.

Instead, she thinks a stranger to the town could be behind the sighting and said a mystery visitor, accompanied by a "production crew," had been asking around about Sasquatch just days before the footage was taken.

Gallegos said: "Within four days, thereā€™s a video… if you canā€™t get any legitimate interviews, why wouldnā€™t you create some? It was, I kind of thought, brilliant on their part."

This theory lines up with beliefs that Bigfoot is rally just a person in a suit, and doesn't exist in the hills of North America as many believe.

Cryptozoologist Andy McGrath previously told the Daily Star: "The first issue is the perfect framing of the creature by the person holding the camera. This seems to indicate that they knew exactly where to point their camera, where the creature would be walking and even where the creature would stop and choose to sit.

"The second issue is the creature's route. It seems to be walking a predetermined route and even when it decides to sit, it almost directly looks toward the eyewitness holding the camera."

Thomas Marcum, a filmmaker and founder of research group The Crypto Crew, reckons that due to aspects of the creature's behaviour the footage is likely a person in a "suit".

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