Four in ten women see health issues like abortion or menopause as private

Four in ten women (42%) feel health issues such as abortion, menopause, and menstruation are “private matters” – and a fifth admit they would be embarrassed to discuss such topics, even with close family members.

A poll of 5,022 women discovered that many still consider topics such as sexual health to be “taboo” – and 24% feel the same way about mental health.

In fact, over a third of 18-34-year-olds (34%) feel there is a stigma around discussing mental health – although this falls to just 13% of those aged 55 and over.

When it comes to addressing and overcoming such stigmas around women's health, 55% feel the government is not doing enough on a societal level.

And 65% believe education needs to start at school – while three in five think the mainstream media needs to receive, and distribute, more accurate data and information.

Meanwhile, 36% have encountered social media posts about women's health, that have been hidden due to “sensitive content” – with 46% consequently calling for an end to such censorship.

And only 19% believe that information posted on women’s issues by health and wellbeing social media accounts is completely, or even mostly, accurate.

The report was created by research agency OnePoll, whose spokeswoman, Amy Price, said: “Taboos around women's health perpetuate inequality.

“It's time to challenge these norms, and ensure that women's well-being is a priority in every conversation. We can no longer afford to overlook women's health issues due to societal taboos.”

The study also found 16% have taken steps to reduce their stress levels, as a result of a women’s health issue.

This was slightly higher among 18-24-year-olds (20%), 45-54-year-olds (19%), those in full-time employment (18%), and those with children aged five to 11 (20%) – and lower for those who are white (15%).

Just over three-quarters (76%) also believe they would not have been able to make life changes without the support of people around them – as more than half (60%) say they would actively talk and share a personal women’s health issue with close family members.

Gareth Lucy, spokesman for hygiene and health company Essity, said: “What’s particularly shocking about the taboos and stigma surrounding women’s health is that in some cases, we’re not talking about health matters that only a minority of women experience – we’re talking about matters that all women experience.

“For example, menstruation and menopause are a fact of life, so it seems incomprehensible that these are taboo subjects. Whatever barriers are preventing women from being able to talk openly and candidly about their health need to be broken down.

“The research tells us there’s a problem – now it’s up to government, industry, and healthcare professionals to work together and provide the solutions.”

Amy Price, for, added: “Avoiding taboo topics doesn't make them disappear, it only perpetuates the stigma.

“Women and men need to have courageous conversations, and create spaces for healing and change. Breaking taboos is not about shock value – it's about opening the door to understanding and acceptance.”


  1. Abortion
  2. Sexual health
  3. Menstruation
  4. Menopause
  5. Mental health

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