‘It was my wedding scent’: Meet the die-hard Pumpkin Spice Latte fans

‘I’ve actually ran out of a meeting before to grab one next door – it’s become an addiction,’ says 30-year-old Joshua Simon.

Joshua was just 17 when he had his first taste of Pumpkin Spice Latte – his first ever coffee and his ‘gateway’ to stronger caffeinated drinks.

‘When I was 17, I worked as an intern and did the office coffee round and I’d heard people talk about the Pumpkin Spiced Latte and it was very mixed – with some people saying it tasted like soup and others saying it tasted amazing. I had to try for myself. One sip of the hot beverage and I fell in love,’ he adds.

‘I was never a coffee drinker, PSL was my first taste of coffee, which then got me to my current addiction of stronger coffee and my exposure to nicer coffee.’

Now the senior publicist, from North London, has push notifications on his phone – so he can be the first to know when the Pumpkin Spice Lattes are released when autumn rolls around.

He adds: ‘I feel very festive and autumnal the minute my phone buzzes (on a certain coffee chain membership app that I have on my smartphone) the minute they’ve been released.

‘I barely get time with the job I do to get a proper break during working days – so when I have my (now strictly two per week) PSL moment, I get a sense of just relaxation and relief for just those few minutes. It’s become a tradition and like something I look forward to throughout the year.’

And you only have to step foot in Joshua’s home to see his love of the drink shine through.

‘I have a set of PSL pumpkin-themed pillows, throws, plates and cutlery sets and a few trinkets that I put up around my flat to get the mood going,’ he continues.

‘I’m even embarrassed to say I have a PSL duvet set.’

But Joshua isn’t alone.

He’s one of many die-hard Pumpkin Spice Latte fans who have long-admired the Starbucks beverage – which marks its 20th birthday this year.

And looking back on its rise to fame, the late noughties and early 2010s was when the drink really came into its own.

The Pumpkin Spiced Latte fast-became synonymous with the orange and red hues of autumn and ‘spooky szn’ culture – and well and truly established itself in the Tumblr, MySpace and early YouTube zeitgeist.

‘It’s a cultural icon, in 20 years, hundreds of millions of PSL have been served. Starbucks continues to build upon the success,’ explains Angelica Gianchandani, a professor in the Marketing department at University of New Haven.

‘The image of coffee lovers wrapping their hands around a warm cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte is a picture-perfect image of a cozy, warm autumn.’

But as with most fast rises to fame, it wasn’t long before the drink started to get a fair amount of stick – most notably, its ‘basic’ label.

‘It was the go-to drink of every blogger in autumn 2014 – but some of us never got over it,’ says 22-year-old Imali Chislett, who’s been drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes since she was 11.

But these ‘basic’ connotations aren’t enough to put true PSL fans off.

‘For me, drinking a PSL is a luxurious experience, far from the basic coffee experience,’ says graphic designer Imali.

‘Ever since I was old enough to drink coffee it’s been an annual tradition that I’d go and get a Starbucks in September. As I’ve got older, this ritual has been kept.’

This passion also filters into all other aspects of her life.

The 22-year-old adds: ‘When the PSLs hit stores, autumn has officially arrived. The excitement builds all year – I start counting down in June.

‘Being the autumn girl that I am, I love to collect the Starbucks merch, autumn coffee cups and T-shirts, it just helps me to set the mood. Anything with a pumpkin on, I’m there.’

Kiran Bird also was first introduced to the cult classic 15 years ago after seeing US YouTubers talk about it.

‘I was pretty convinced I’d love it and was desperate for it to come to the UK. As soon as it came to the UK, I bee-lined to Starbucks and, yep, I was obsessed,’ the 29-year-old Londoner says.

‘Autumn is my favourite season, I think because it’s when leaves fall and everything starts to feel like it’s getting ready to restart and refresh – it reminds me of that. It’s also just really delicious, I love spices like cinnamon and ginger, so it’s just a warming and comforting drink for me. I also love it’s something to look forward to after summer ends.’

Kiran’s love for PSL even featured in a huge milestone life event – as she opted for pumpkin spice as a scent at her autumnal wedding.

She adds: ‘We had an autumn wedding, so I wanted the scent to match the cosy romantic vibe we were going for. 

‘I also gave all my bridesmaids a mini PSL candle as part of the proposal gift bags. I love that we went for this scent, because now it reminds my mum of our wedding whenever she smells a pumpkin spice candle.’

Kiran also refuses to accept any PSL hate.

She adds: ‘How is something that brings people a little bit of joy when the days are getting darker and colder basic? And it’s not basic – an oat vanilla latte is basic.’

And, love it or hate it, as the famous drink turns 20, it’s cultural significant is undeniable.

Peter Dukes, the director of espresso Americas for Starbucks (and who was the product manager who led the development of Pumpkin Spice Latte in 2003), says: ‘You have to remember that 20 years ago, the pumpkin flavor didn’t exist in the marketplace outside of canned pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice, and seasonal products weren’t really a thing yet either. We didn’t set out to create an entire industry.

‘We set out to bring our customers a beverage that would encapsulate fall.

‘Fans that have made it one of Starbucks most iconic beverages.’

They really have.

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