My children and I live with my dad, he refuses to stop having loud sex

I live with my dad – he keeps having really loud sex even when my young children are at home

  • A man, 25, said that his dad, 52, has loud sex daily with his grandkids in earshot
  • In a Reddit post describing the issue, the man said his kids ‘imitate the sounds’ 
  • When the man, 25, asked his dad, 52, to curb the behavior, the dad refused

A desperate man has taken to Reddit for guidance after his elderly father refused his son’s request to stop having loud sex with strange women while his grandchildren were awake and within earshot in their shared household.

The 25-year-old original poster – OP for short – wrote on the site’s notorious Am I The A**hole subreddit that he’d been staying at his 52-year-old dad’s house with his girlfriend, 25, and their two kids, aged five and one, while in search of a more permanent living situation.

Of his dad, the man explained: ‘He will always bring a new girl during the day when the kids are mostly up and would be making a lot of noises. 

‘I have asked him to wait until the kids are asleep or at least when they’re at school. However, he would get upset and say “it’s my house” or “get the f out then.”‘

A man, 25, took to Reddit for guidance after his father, 52, bristled at his son’s request to not have loud sex while his grandkids were awake and in earshot in their shared residence

The original poster – OP for short – added the disturbing detail that his two kids, aged one and five, ‘are smart enough and imitate the sounds’ of their grandfather having sex

‘I am not trying to be rude, yes it’s his house but I pay the biggest bill,’ he continued, adding the disturbing detail: ‘The kids are smart enough and imitate the sounds.’ 

The OP emphasized that he did have a job, and provided for himself and his family – ‘so I’m not mooching off of my father,’ he explained.

‘I’ve literally received no help monetary or physically since I’ve finished high school.’

In the man’s responses in the comments section, he elaborated that he pays for almost all the household bills except for the water bill – which, at roughly $40 per month, his dad takes care of.

The OP went on to emphasize he ‘definitely’ planned to ‘get myself an apartment’ as soon as possible, ‘especially for the kids.’ 

Hundreds took to the comments to offer their take on OP’s extremely uncomfortable living situation – with most deeming him NTA, or ‘Not The A**hole.’ 

‘Ew what absolutely NTA what kind of person does your dad think he is?! They’re kids and they should not have to experience that at such a young age,’ one person wrote, with the OP responding: ‘Exactly!!!’

‘NTA for the request because ewwwwww (for loudly having sex when he knows his son and grandchildren are home). That said, yeah, move yourself and the kids outta there because it doesn’t sound like he’s going to change,’ a second agreed. 

Hundreds took to the comments to declare the man NTA  – or ‘Not the A**hole’

Some deemed the situation ESH – or, ‘Everyone sucks here’ – with at least one user insisting OP was the a**hole because the house is the dad’s, rationalizing: ‘He can do whatever he wants’

To this, the OP responded: ‘Definitely doesn’t show no care about it.’ 

One jokester chimed in: ‘NTA, but hide his Viagra.’ 

‘NTA You need to move out. In the meantime, play music loudly to cover up the noise. You could play baby shark on repeat, Barney, moose mating calls, pigs mating, cats in heat, you get the jist,’ another wrote in favor of petty revenge for the misbehaving.

One concerned commenter vented: ‘NTA – It’s shocking seeing how many kids imitate sexual sounds, words, and gestures in public. This is a concern for the kids, and for you — if your eldest is heard imitating those sounds in school for instance, you might get a call for the concerning, age-inappropriate knowledge of sex. 

‘It sounds like your dad relies on you financially. Please do get and your family out as soon as you can, none of you deserve to live under these conditions.’

‘Exactly!!! Smh I definitely will be out,’ the OP answered.

‘NTA dad is a pig. I hope you and your kids can get out soon,’ another chimed in.

‘Definitely will be moving out,’ the OP answered. 

Still, others felt that OP was at least somewhat in the wrong.

‘YTA it’s his house. He can do whatever he wants. If you don’t like it, then get the f*** out, you lazy bum,’ one hissed, with ‘YTA,’ short for ‘You’re The A**hole.’

Another wrote, ‘ESH,’ short for ‘Everyone sucks here.’

‘You control your life OP, you can’t live with your dad because it’s convenient and then get p***ed off he won’t follow your rules. He is 52 years old and you and your girlfriend are full a** adults time to get your own place,’ they added.

‘Your dad is a d*** for having sex with your kids in the home but dude he’s 52 yrs old he’s already raised you, if he wants to bring hookers back to his place everyday that’s his business.’ 

Someone else declared: ‘Esh. This is not your house so you can’t make the rules. Your dad is also gross. Move out.’

But one person still pushed back, writing: ‘OP is definitely NTA. What sort of person has noisy sex with his little grandkids in the house???’ 

‘A pervert,’ one commenter responded. 

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