Reasons why chicken crossed road shared as AI claims it would probably die on M1

Artificial Intelligence has finally answered one of life's biggest mysteries – why did the chicken cross the road?

And Google's Artificial Intelligence-powered large language model chatbot called Bard – which has so far ruled on the worst places in the UK to be should war break out and whether or not Suella Braverman would make a decent Prime Minister (she wouldn't) – even went as far as pinpointing exactly which road on the UK would be the most dangerous for the chicken to cross.

The infamous riddle asking why the chicken crossed the road dates back to 1847, when it first appeared in a New York City month magazine. Since then, it has often been answered with anything from “to get to the other side” or “to escape the police who wanted to charge it with countless counts of jaywalking”, if you're an American.

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But according to Bard, there is a lot more to it than merely just crossing a road for the chicken, which we're naming Dave.

It said: “Chickens are simple creatures with relatively few needs and desires. For a chicken, the most basic goal is to survive and reproduce. Crossing the road is a simple task that can potentially lead to greater opportunities for food, shelter, and mates. In short, the chicken crosses the road because it is the most logical way to achieve its goals.

“Of course, the chicken's motivation for crossing the road is not always as simple as survival. Chickens are also curious creatures who enjoy exploring their surroundings. They may cross the road simply to see what is on the other side, or to escape from a perceived danger.

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“Ultimately, the reason why the chicken crosses the road is not as important as the fact that it does cross the road. The riddle is a reminder that even the simplest actions can have complex motivations. It is also a reminder that we should not always underestimate the intelligence of animals, even those that seem as simple as chickens.”

In Bard's infinite wisdom, it went on to state that there was one road in the United Kingdom that would spell doom for Dave. Making its choice of road – the M1 – it cited statistics from the British Trust for Ornithology in its answer.

It explained: “An average of 1,100 birds are killed on roads in the UK each day. Of these, approximately 10% are chickens. This suggests that the chances of a chicken surviving crossing the M1 are around 90%. However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual chances of a chicken surviving crossing the M1 will depend on a number of factors, such as the time of day, the speed of the traffic, and the chicken's own ability to avoid traffic.

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"Overall, it is very dangerous for a chicken to cross the M1, and the chances of it surviving are very low. If you see a chicken on the M1, it is important to stop and call the police or the RSPCA so that they can rescue it. The chances of a chicken surviving crossing the M1, a motorway in the United Kingdom, are very low.”

So, if you're ever asked why the chicken crossed the road, feel free to respond with that “if it was the M1, it wouldn't”.

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