Shh! Anti-agers no one but you need know about

Shh! Anti-agers no one but you need know about: I’m sick of wrinkles making me look cross all the time

  • Neurotoxin such as Botox can get rid of or reduce the ’11’ lines in just one week
  • READ MORE: Better… Not Younger: Must-buys to get you looking fresh 


I’m 53, with marionette lines, and lines in between my eyebrows that make me look cross. What treatments can reduce or eradicate them? I want to look happy again!


This is an easy one, as there is a treatment for each of these niggles that definitely works.

The ’11’ lines between your brows will be gone or significantly softened a week after a few tiny shots of a neurotoxin such as Botox. Results will last up to four months.

Expect to pay from £150 with a qualified doctor. 

Question: I’m 53, with marionette lines, and lines in between my eyebrows that make me look cross. What treatments can reduce or eradicate them? (stock photo)

INGE VAN LOTRINGEN (pictured): The ’11’ lines between your brows will be gone or significantly softened a week after a few tiny shots of a neurotoxin such as Botox. Results will last up to four months

Laughter lines and ‘marionette’ lines from the lip corners downwards can really improve with HArmonyCa, a fluid gel that is spread under the lower, lateral part of the cheeks with a very large hollow needle (don’t worry, it’s under local anaesthetic and there is no blood). 

The gel hydrates and adds a teeny bit of firmness and volume. 

But most importantly, it contains a calcium molecule that boosts collagen production, ensuring that any lines in the area get progressively more plumped-out over the course of 18 months.

I’ve had it and it really works.

Dr Apul Parikh ( charges £1,200 for it in his London clinic (a reasonable price for the capital), while nationwide, prices start at about £850. You’ll look happier and more relaxed again!

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