Princess Kate wrote we are all thinKing of you on care packages for Ukrainians

Here are some additional photos of the Princess of Wales at her event on Wednesday. She traveled ten miles from Adelaide Cottage to visit Vsi Razom Community Hub in the Lexicon shopping center in Bracknell. Yesterday, I called it a “refugee center” and a “community center.” It’s not really either – it’s more like a staging area for Ukrainian refugee volunteers who are putting together care packages for the people still in Ukraine. So, in some sense, yes, it’s a place where Ukrainian refugees gather and find their community in the UK, and where they go to try to do what they can to send help and support to the Ukrainian people who have been fighting a Russian invasion, widespread Russian bombing and widespread Russian war crimes for about nineteen months. And Kate still showed up empty f–king handed.

But wait, she did something special for the Ukrainian people: she wrote six words on some of the boxes. “We are all thinking of you.” You can see her handwriting below – it genuinely looks like she wrote “we ore all thinKing g yn.” The random capitalized K is on-brand in a million different ways – y’all know she’s been practicing writing “the King and I” and “my husband, the King!” According to People, Kate rarely signs anything “to avoid risk of forgery.” She should come up with her own special seal in a button shape.

Anyway, I remember when another duchess wrote short affirmations on bananas as part of the care packages being handed out to homeless women and sex workers. Meghan was pregnant at the time and she spent several minutes just writing simple affirmations like “you are strong” and “you are brave.” It was a small, uplifting gesture. She was ripped to shreds for it and the papers paid one of the sex workers to call Meghan’s gesture “stupid” and insult her for not doing more. I’m waiting for something similar to happen here. Right? I mean, Kate wrote the most basic-bitch “we’re thinKING about y’all, smell ya later” message on packages going to people living in a warzone. Surely we’ll hear Kate criticized in the same way? What’s that? Oh.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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