Jamie Oliver shares how to get the best roast potatoes every time – recipe

A Sunday roast would not be complete without deliciously fluffy yet crispy roast potatoes.

And while you may have been making them for years – and think you have it down to a T – Jamie Oliver’s hacks can take your roasties from drab to dreamy.

On his website, superstar chef Jamie Oliver shared how budding chefs can get the “best roast potatoes” every time.

He said: “Simple as roast potatoes are, there’s a handful of tiny, but important, details – picked up throughout my cooking career – that when combined give you this ultimate recipe, which I believe creates the perfect roast potato. What a luxury.”

Jamie’s roasties serves 10 people as a side so is perfect if you’re hosting a big family dinner this weekend. Alternatively, save this recipe for Christmas Day.

READ MORE: Jamie Oliver’s easy baked eggs make the perfect Sunday breakfast – recipe


  • 2.5kg medium Maris Piper potatoes
  • Four tablespoons goose fat or unsalted butter
  • Olive oil
  • One bulb of garlic
  • Half a bunch fresh sage (15g)

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Get ahead

1. Gather your potatoes (ideally around the same size – 8cm) and peel them whole. Parboil them in a pan of boiling salted water for 15 minutes for really fluffy insides.
2. Drain in a colander and leave them to steam dry for two minutes. Gently shake the colander a few times to rough up the edges of the potatoes. This step will give you maximum surface area for a crispy outside.
3. Spoon the goose fat or butter and one tablespoon of oil into your biggest roasting tray. Add in the potatoes, a generous pinch of sea salt and black pepper, then toss to coat the potatoes in the oil and seasoning. Spread the potatoes out in one even layer but leave small gaps between them.
4. Cover and keep in the fridge overnight.

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On the day

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4.
2. Squash the garlic bulbs and gently crush each unpeeled clove and add to the tray – think sweet, caramelised garlic that adds a gentle perfume.
3. Roast for an hour, or until the potatoes are crisp and golden all over.
4. Take the tray out of the oven. Now for the “game-changer” hack: Carefully half-squash each potato with a fish slice or masher so they push into each other. Your tray should look pretty full.
5. Pick the sage leaves and – crucially – toss with a drizzle of oil for an extra crispy result. Sprinkle the sage over the potatoes and roast for another 20 to 25 minutes, until golden. Serve with lashings of gravy alongside your favourite roast meat and veggies.

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