Horror Coronation Street spoiler clip as character hit by car

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There’s more terror in Coronation Street next week, as we share a video preview that shows Eliza badly injured.

Stu Carpenter (Bill Fellows) has had enough of Dom letting Eliza down, as his new nemesis has neglected his latest video due to an apparently broken down car.

While understandably infuriating, Stu is a little bit harsh as he seems to forget it’s a young child he is being aggressively ranty about.

He unleashes a torrent, criticising Dom and shouting about him being a liar over why he has missed the visit.

Eliza is clearly hurt, and defends Dom, saying that Stu doesn’t know the first thing about him.

Stu hits back that her dad doesn’t care about her, and when her face crumbles, the realisation hits him and he apologises.

It’s too late though, as Eliza gets out of the car, saying she is going home.

Stu goes after her to try and make amends, but a very fast car speeds round the corner, slamming Eliza to the ground with its wing mirror and knocking her out cold.

A panicked Stu rushes to the scene while the very selfish driver flees the scene.

There will be relief in that Eliza doesn’t lose her life and there is no lasting damage, but Stu’s anger at Dom builds again when Dom turns up with a soft toy, in order to win points with his daughter.

It works too.

Trouble will continue later in the week, as Stu receives a phone call from the school telling him that Eliza failed to turn up.

Stu makes his way to Dom’s house where Eliza explains that she ran away by herself and this is now her home.

As Stu starts to feel like he’s losing Eliza, will he ever find common ground with Dom?

Well, put it this way, the police are soon involved…

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