Joran van der Sloot ADMITS bludgeoning Natalee Holloway to death

Natalee Holloway’s mom says ‘her case is now solved’ after Joran van der Sloot ADMITS beating her to death with a cinder block and dumping her body in the Caribbean – as he is jailed for 20 years as part of $250k extortion plea deal

  • Van der Sloot pleaded guilty to extortion and wire fraud on Wednesday  
  • Natalee Holloway was 18 when she disappeared from Aruba in a high school trip in 2005 and her remains have never been found
  • Van der Sloot has been sentenced to 20 years, which he will serve out in Peru where he is currently serving a 28 years for the murder of another woman  

Natalee Holloway’s mother has said her case is finally solved after Joran van der Sloot today admitted bludgeoning the teen to death on a beach with a cinder block and then dumping her body in the water – 18 years after she went missing.

Van Der Sloot, 36, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for extortion and wire fraud as part of a plea deal in which he agreed to come clean about how he killed the recent high school graduate on the Caribbean island of Aruba in 2005.

The confession came after he put Natalee’s parents through torment by sending them chilling emails in which he offered to tell them the whereabouts of their daughter’s body in exchange for $250,000.

The case has captivated the public’s attention for nearly two decades, spawning books, movies and podcasts. A heavy media presence assembled outside the federal courthouse nearly three hours before the hearing. 

Van der Sloot told detectives he and Natalee were kissing at the beach after meeting at a bar when he tried to take things further and she refused. He claimed that when he insisted, she kicked him in the crotch. He then stood up and kicked her ‘extremely hard’ in the face, knocking her out.

The killer then grabbed a nearby cinder block and ‘smashed her head in with it completely,’ before carrying her body into the water, walking in until he was knee-deep, and pusher her out to be carried away.

Addressing her daughter’s killer in court, Natalee’s mother Beth looked him in the eyes and said: ‘You look like hell, Joran. I do not see how you’re gonna make it … You are a killer and I want you to remember that every time that jail door slams.’

The Dutch national was extradited for sentencing in the US from Peru where he is currently serving a 28-year sentence for the murder of Stephany Flores who he smothered to death in a hotel room in 2010. His US sentence will run concurrently.

District Judge Anna M. Manasco told the killer: ‘You have brutally murdered two women who refused your sexual advances … You knew the information you were selling was an absolute lie.’

Holloway was 18 when she went missing during a high school graduation trip with classmates. She was last seen leaving a bar with van der Sloot. Dutch authorities in Aruba arrested van der Sloot twice on suspicion of murder, but ultimately released him for lack of evidence.

Working with the FBI in a sting operation, Holloway’s parents wired a portion of the demanded money to van der Sloot in 2010, but he then provided false information about where Holloway’s remains were buried.

Van der Sloot moved from Aruba to Peru before he could be arrested in the extortion case.

But in 2012 he was jailed in the South American nation after admitting to beating, strangling and suffocating Flores, a 21-year-old Peruvian business student, in May 2010.

Natalee Holloway murder suspect Joran van der Sloot’s has pleaded guilty to trying to extort $250,000 from her family 

Holloway´s body was never found, and no charges were filed in the case. A judge declared Holloway dead in 2012

Beth Holloway said: ‘You didn’t get what you wanted from Natalee, your sexual satisfaction, so you brutally killed her’

Beth and her son Matt Holloway spoke to the press outside the courthouse after the hearing, saying that Van der Sloot said he acted alone

As part of his plea agreement, van der Sloot agreed to tell detectives ‘everything he knows’ about Natalee’s disappearance, and her parents were reportedly allowed to hear ‘in real-time’ his confession. Van der Sloot reportedly took a polygraph test and passed it.

van der Sloot’s confession

‘She asked to go back to her hotel but I was just trying to get dropped off a little bit further away from her hotel so we could walk back and I might still get a chance to be with her.

‘I’m with Natalee, walking along the beach. I find a space before we get to the Marriott Hotel, where I lay her down, we lay down together in the sand and we start kissing each other.

‘I start feeling her up again and she tells me no. She tells me doesn’t want me to feel her up. I insist. I keep feeling her up either way. She ends up kneeing in the crotch. When she hits me in the crotch, I get up and I kick her extremely hard in the face.

‘She’s laying down unconscious, possibly even dead, but definitely unconscious.  And I see right next to her there’s a huge cinderblock laying on the beach.

‘I take this and I smash her head in with it completely. Her face basically collapses in. Afterwards, I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. I decide to put her into the ocean. So I grab her and I half pull and half walk with her into the ocean. I push her off. I walk up to about my knees into the ocean and I push her off into the sea. After that, I get out. I walk home. 

During his sentencing, Holloway’s mother Beth told the court that van der Sloot murdered her daughter when she refused his sexual advances and then went home where he watched pornography.

Addressing van der Sloot in court, Beth said: ‘You terminated her dreams, her potential, her possibilities, when you bludgeoned her to death in 2005.

‘You didn’t get what you wanted from Natalee, your sexual satisfaction, so you brutally killed her.

‘I paid my daughter’s killer money. That’s shocking. I don’t think anyone can really wrap their mind around what that means… I have no doubt she would have made all her dreams come true. She really would have.’

She added: ‘By the way you look like hell, Joran. I do not see how you’re gonna make it … You are a killer and I want you to remember that every time that jail door slams.’ 

Van der Sloot, wearing an orange jumpsuit, addressed the court before his sentencing and apologized to the family. 

‘I would like to take this chance to apologize to the Holloway family, to apologize to my own family, to say I hope the statement I provided brings some kind of closure to everyone involved,’ the killer said in court. ‘I am no longer that person I was back then, I’ve given my heart to Jesus Christ.’

The judge in the case called van der Sloot’s crimes ‘heinous,’ telling him: ‘You have brutally murdered two women who refused your sexual advances…  You knew the information you were selling was an absolute lie.’

Beth and her son Matt Holloway spoke to the press outside the courthouse after the hearing, saying that van der Sloot said he acted alone.

‘I still miss her every day, we finally got the answers we’ve been searching for.’ Beth said. ‘Finally today we get justice for Natalee.’

The hearing, attended by Holloway’s family and held a few miles from the suburb where Holloway lived, is a key development in the case that captivated the public’s attention for nearly two decades, spawning extensive news coverage, books, movies and podcasts.

‘You terminated her dreams, her potential, her possibilities, when you bludgeoned her to death in 2005,’ Natalee’s mom Beth told the courtroom

She added: ‘By the way you look like hell, Joran. I do not see how you’re gonna make it … You are a killer and I want you to remember that every time that jail door slams’

A heavy media presence assembled outside the federal courthouse

Natalee Holloway, left, poses with friends Lee Broughton, Madison Whatley, and Ruth McVay, left to right, in a photograph taken with Natalee’s disposable camera on the beach in Aruba

Natalee is seen on the far left at a bar before she was murdered in Aruba in 2005

The Dutch national was extradited for sentencing in the US from Peru where he is currently serving a 28-year sentence for the murder of Stephany Flores (pictured)

A heavy media presence assembled outside the federal courthouse nearly three hours before the hearing. Journalist Greta Van Susteren, who has followed the case from the beginning and opposes the deal, was seen entering the courtroom on Wednesday. 

‘I was told late last night that the federal judge in Alabama, despite Beth Holloway’s request that I speak at the sentencing of Joran van der Sloot, has denied the request; why doesn’t the judge, at such an important time, not want to have ALL the information in sentencing – she also is not getting a pre sentence report,’ the journalist wrote on X.  

In emails sent by van der Sloot to Holloway family lawyer Kelly in 2010, the killer wrote: ‘I want this monkey off my back just as much as I know Natalees (sic) parents want to bring her home. 

‘If you have someone come meet me in Aruba, I will do the right thing… this situation hurts everyone involved and will continue to do so until it’s over. I will take you to Natalee but I do not want it to be known the information came from me.

‘In return I want to receive 250,000$. If you are interested I will give you more details and we can arrange it.’

Holloway was last seen leaving a bar with the convicted killer, who was a student at an international school on the island at the time. Van der Sloot was identified as a suspect and detained weeks later, along with two Surinamese brothers, but was eventually let go by police. 

Van der Sloot gave different accounts over the years of that night in Aruba. Federal investigators in the Alabama case said van der Sloot gave a false location of Holloway’s body during a recorded 2010 FBI sting that captured the extortion attempt. 

Van der Sloot gave different accounts over the years of that night in Aruba

Van der Sloot, 36, was extradited to Birmingham , Alabama in June from Peru, where he was serving a 28-year sentence after confessing to killing Stephany Flores in 2010

A judge declared Holloway dead but her body has never been found

A judge declared Holloway dead but her body has never been found.

The extortion charges are the only charges to have ever linked the Dutch citizen to Holloway’s disappearance. While he is not charged with murder, he remains the chief suspect in the case.

Following the 2010 emails, van der Sloot said Holloway was buried in the gravel under the foundation of a house, but later admitted that was untrue, FBI Agent William K. Bryan wrote in a 2010 sworn statement filed in the case. 

The killer’s attorney in Peru, Máximo Altez, had previously told that van der Sloot planned on making the extraordinary accusation that it was actually Natalee’s mother, Beth, who approached van der Sloot offering money if he took her to her daughter’s body.

Altez explained that his client is a ‘sick person’ and ‘compulsive gambler,’ who ‘needed the money to play at the casino’.

In 2010, the same year he was indicted in the U.S. for extortion, van der Sloot was arrested in Peru for the murder of 21-year-old Stephany Flores, a business student from a prominent family who was killed five years to the day after Holloway´s disappearance. 

Van der Sloot (pictured in September 2005) has been serving a 28-year sentence for the murder of a Peruvian woman. Authorities in early June 2023 moved him from a maximum-security prison in the Andes to the detention facility in Lima

Peruvian prosecutors said van der Sloot killed Flores while trying to rob her after learning she had won money at the casino where the two met.

They said he killed her with ‘ferocity’ and ‘cruelty,’ beating then strangling her in his hotel room. He pleaded guilty in 2012.

A 2001 treaty between Peru and the U.S. allows a suspect temporarily extradited to face trial in another country.

Natalee’s mother, Beth Holloway, said the family is ‘finally getting justice for Natalee’ in a statement released after Peruvian authorities agreed to the extradition.

‘It has been a very long and painful journey, but the persistence of many is going to pay off,’ Beth Holloway said.

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