Stalker who turned up at victim's workplace with two knives is jailed

Stalker who turned up at beauty influencer’s workplace with two knives and left second victim permanently scarred after throwing a brick through her window is jailed

  • Danielle Moore, 34, has been jailed for four and a half years 

A stalker who left a beauty influencer feeling ‘terrified for her life’ and permanently scarring another victim after throwing a brick through her window, was jailed for four and a half years today.

Danielle Moore, 34, turned up at Canadian born Priyanka Gnanasekaran’s workplace with two knives and at snarled racist abuse at her in a series of threatening phone calls between July and December last year.

Prosecutor Bartholemew O’Toole said Moore began privately messaging Ms Gnanasekaran’s public page after first following her several years ago, Southwark Crown Court heard. 

With the messages becoming ‘inappropriate and somewhat bizzare’, Ms Gnanasekaram felt uncomfortable and decided to block Moore. 

But, Moore then created multiple new accounts and started messaging her again after she was blocked, jurors heard. In one message Moore wrote: ‘I’ll be talking to Allah about what you’ve done. You’ve done wrong.’

Stalker Danielle Moore (pictured) has been jailed four and a half years for making a beauty influencer terrified for her life and permanently scarring another victim 

Beauty influencer Priyanka Gnanasekaran was left feeling ‘terrified for her life’ due to a stalker who has been jailed for four and a half years

Ms Gnanasekaram replied saying she ‘didn’t know what she was referring to’ and asked Moore to stop.

The victim, who moved to the UK from Canada last year, advised Moore that she would call the police if she carried on. 

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Another of Moore’s victim’s Fatema Begum said she had been left feeling ‘petrified’ after Moore assaulted her with a brick, leaving her with a scar on her face. 

During the six-month period Moore found out where Ms Gnanasekaran worked in central London and turned up twice last July, looking for her. 

Ms Gnanasekaran immediately recognised Moore and asked security staff to not let her in.

In an audio recording played in court, Moore calmly asks the receptionist to speak to Ms Gnanasekaram.

Before becoming irate and aggressive and calling Ms Gnanasekaram a ‘f****** p*** c***’.

Moore then says: ‘P*** I’m coming, I’m f****** coming’.

On the same day Moore was also spotted on CCTV, armed with two knives, trying to find a way to enter the building via the basement – police were called to the scene and Moore was arrested.  

Moore continued to try and contact Ms Gnanasekaram from HMP Bronzefield, after telling staff she was trying to call her lawyer. 

She also called Ms Gnanasekaram four times on August 4, 2022, in addition to calling her at work under the alias ‘Sandra Diente’ in December last year. 

Judge Gregory Perrins sentenced Moore to a total of four and a half years in prison, with an extended licence period of two and a half years. She was also handed two restraining orders prohibiting her from contacting Ms Begum and Ms Gnanasekaram for 10 years. Pictured: Southwark Crown Court

Ms Gnanasekaram said in an impact statement read to the court she was left ‘terrified for her life thinking how much rage must have built up inside Moore since her arrest’.

She also detailed the ‘immense sense of paranoia’ she felt during the stalking ordeal.

Moore, of Bermondsey, denied but was convicted of stalking.

In a seperate incident, Moore had also hurled two bricks at a window belonging to Fatema Begum in Felixstowe Road, Ipswich, on May 12, 2021, the court heard.

The second object hit Ms Begum in the face causing a 2cm cut just above her left eyebrow, leaving her permanently scarred.

Moore admitted unlawful wounding and damaging property.

Judge Gregory Perrins sentenced Moore to a total of four and a half years in prison, with an extended licence period of two and a half years. She was also handed two restraining orders prohibiting her from contacting Ms Begum and Ms Gnanasekaram for 10 years.

In her victim impact statement, Moore’s second victim, Ms Begum said she was left feeling petrified after she was assaulted with a brick.

She said: ‘In the immediate days after this assault I was scared and petrified. As a result, I hardly ever left the house and relied on my friends and family to support me.

‘I now knew Danielle knew where I lived, and I feared she would return to cause more damage or assault me further.

‘I was left with a scar just above my left eyebrow in a really visible place. The only way I can repair the scar is with a skin graft and I cannot get it through the NHS.’

Ms Begum has been left permanently scarred and ‘considerably distressed’ as a result of the attack. 

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