My hair's been receding at a rapid pace – after two months using two products, I’ve finally got growth going on | The Sun

A WOMAN has shared her relief at finding two products that have addressed her receding hairline.

She said the pace of her hair loss was rapid but she's finally got growth going on again.

But she had to trust the process though, because this wasn't a quick fix.

It took two months before she started to see a difference.

When baby hairs started to sprout, Joanna Coops (@joannacoops), who has 28,000 followers, was delighted.

“I want to show you the fresh growth going on," she said in her post.

She was examining her hair line for further signs of fresh growth.

Then she revealed the magic mix she used to prompt such hairline activity.

“So I have been using rosemary mint oil, the Mielle one, and I’ve been taking Annutri hair growth supplements," she said.

Mielle's rosemary mint growth oil was available on Amazon for $9, and Annutri's hair supplements started at $32.

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“And that is 100% new baby hairs because I am receding at a rapid pace," she wrote.

These products worked she figured after seeing her mane recover: “Seeing some new hairline growth after two months."

She had another tip for her viewers: “I use a scalp brush to massage it in.”

Among the comments, was one from Annutri: “We love baby hairs. So glad you’re loving our Grow-it supplements, Joanna.”

One person could vouch it worked for her: “I started using it after you recommended it. I’ve got baby hairs now too.”

The Cleveland Clinic interviewed dermatologist Shilpi Khetarpal MD over the question of rosemary oil helping hair growth.

He said: "Researchers found rosemary oil to be as effective at encouraging hair regrowth as minoxidil, a medication better known as Rogaine®.

“The bottom line is, yes, it does seem to work."

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