Hair removal specialist, 53, who sexually assaulted his clients jailed

Laser hair removal specialist, 53, who secretly filmed and sexually assaulted his clients after putting goggles and blindfolds on them during procedures is jailed for 17 years

A laser hair removal specialist who secretly filmed and sexually assaulted his clients after putting goggles and blindfolds on them as they underwent procedures has been jailed for 17 years.

‘Depraved’ Terry James, 53, admitted to sexually assaulting eight women at Bradford Crown Court, as well as distributing and possessing indecent images of children.

The court heard how James appeared friendly and professional to women as he welcomed them into his salon in the city but went on to use a secret camera, leaving them unaware that they were being filmed and photographed.

A police investigation was launched last year, leading to a trial. On the final day, after five victims had given evidence, he pleaded guilty to 13 charges of assault by penetration and five sexual assaults.

Throughout his trial victims told the court how they were frightened the images of and recordings could end up on the internet in the future.  

Terry James, 53, admitted to sexually assaulting eight women at Bradford Crown Court, as well as distributing and possessing indecent images of children

One described suffering flashbacks of the abuse and having to undergo counselling, in her victim personal statement.

Another said she had been ‘groomed’ by James and now felt she could not trust men in a professional capacity.

While a further victim said in her statement that she felt ‘violated’ by what he had done and the whole thing made her feel sick.

Prosecutor Chloe Hudson said three complainants had been waiting to give evidence in the case during James’s trial before he pleaded guilty.

Judge McKone remarked that all the women were extremely vulnerable and James had deliberately covered their eyes so they had no idea what he was doing.

She said James’ selfish actions had had a profound impact on his victims’ lives.

The judge went onto to conclude that James was a dangerous offender and that an extended licence period of three years was needed in his case.

James will now have to serve at least two-thirds of his 17-year sentence before the parole board can consider whether it is safe to release him.

He will also have to register as a sex offender with the police for life and comply with an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

Judge McKone added: ‘Your offending was serious over a relatively lengthy period of time. It involved eight victims whose trust you sought and then betrayed.’

James also admitted further offences of distributing and possessing indecent images of children.

Following the verdict, Detective Inspector Ian Cottrell of West Yorkshire Police, said James had put his victims through a ‘horrific ordeal’.

He said: ‘James is a vile and dangerous sexual predator who deserves to be behind bars for a very long time.

‘He put his victims through a horrific ordeal, they trusted him and he abused it in the most depraved way.

‘I hope the victims can get some comfort and justice from the sentence knowing that he will be in prison for 17 years.

‘This was a complex investigation in which my team investigated sensitively, supporting the victims throughout. This was highlighted by Judge Sophie McKone who commended DC Becky Allen for her hard work throughout the investigation.

‘I hope this case highlights we do take reports of all sexual assaults seriously and we will do everything we can to get justice.’

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