19 Hollyoaks pictures: Major secret revealed as discovery rocks the village

Hollyoaks spoiler pictures for next week confirm the discovery of a sinister secret, plus a setback for one resident and a new chapter for another.

The majority of the latest snaps, which you can view in the gallery above, centre on newcomer Carter Shepherd (David Ames) and his big secret.

Ever since the head teacher arrived in the eponymous village, fans have speculated that he’s keeping a secret or at the very least that he’s not being honest about his motives in coming to Hollyoaks.

Goldie McQueen (Chelsee Healey) shares such a viewpoint, with upcoming scenes seeing her make it her mission to find out more about Carter, convinced he’s hiding something.

Carter, meanwhile, is determined to help John Paul McQueen (James Sutton), who is struggling following the homophobic attack in July, which took place outside The Loft.

In a bid to get the former teacher to face his demons, Carter encourages John Paul to return to the night-club, and intriguing scenes follow.

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Carter will have some explaining to do, with Goldie catching him mid-conversation with an agitated stranger, discussing John Paul. Goldie reckons the newcomer has a crush on JP, but will this prove to be the case?

We’ll just have to wait and see.

Scott Drinkwell (Ross Adams), meanwhile, hosts drag bingo at The Dog, trying out a new act, encouraging John Paul to join him for the event, but JP finds the whole thing overwhelming and rushes out.

For a first look at all this, take a look at Metro.co.uk’s newest picture gallery above.

Hollyoaks airs these scenes between Monday September 18 and Friday September 22 on Channel 4, or watch first from Friday September 15 on E4 and All4. 

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